EDC Podcast Ep01: Panagiotis Kriaris, Head of Business Development at Unzer - BaaS, BNPL & Challenger Banks

EDC Podcast Ep01: Panagiotis Kriaris, Head of Business Development at Unzer - BaaS, BNPL & Challenger Banks

Martin Koderisch
January 18, 2023

About this episode

In this episode, Martin meets with Panagiotis Kriaris.  Based in Vienna he leads Business Development at Unzer - a German FinTech and  payment services provider. If you are into Fintech, you may also know  Panagiotis from LinkedIn. Where he is a prolific poster of thought leadership  content. He has more than 60K avid LinkedIn followers. Quite impressive. In  our chat we openly discuss a wide range of topics from Banking-as-a-service,  FinTech commoditisation, super apps, challenger banks, BNPL, and the crypto winter.

As Panagiotis outlines in the intro, a central thread to our conversation is  the impact that the current economic crisis is having on fintech in terms of  pivoting mindsets from growth at all costs to profitability. We debate to  what extent this is likely to revert once we exit the current recession.

Listen to the episode

Episode Links

Website: https://www.unzer.de  

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/pkriaris/  

Email:  panagiotis.kriaris@unzer.com

Twitter: @pkriaris

Panagiotis Kriaris, Unzer.de

Guest Bio

Panagiotis has spent his career in the borderline between business and technology with a leadership background at an international level.  Panagiotis brings senior expertise across Financial Services, Banking, Payments, FinTech, Retail and E-Commerce. Innovation, strategy, business development, strategic partnerships and building businesses and products from scratch have been at the centre of his work and attention throughout his career. Being a recognised voice in the financial services industry, Panagiotis is a frequent contributor to various publications and podcasts and is often invited as a public speaker at events around the globe.


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