EDC Podcast Ep12: Wilco Slabbekoorn, SVP Revenue Growth and Head of Commercial Europe for Checkout.com
In today’s episode, Martin speaks to Wilco Slabbekoorn who is SVP of Revenue Growth and Head of Commercial Europe for Checkout.com. As most of you payment insiders no doubt know, Checkout.com is another incredible FinTech success story. Started back in 2012 by founder and CEO Guillaume Pousaz, it has grown and grown and now has over 1,700 employees across 19 global offices. The Checkout.com growth story really is a testament to the global boom in modern payment technology able to satisfy our appetite for digital payments experiences. In our conversation, we discuss the relentless growth and pace of change in the digital payments and FinTech space. Wilco shares his insights based on many years of experience, partnering with merchants to help leverage modern payments technology, drive growth and transform end to end customer journeys.

by Martin Koderisch | Apr 05, 2023